The Influence of Cerebral Traumas on a Person's Canonical Ability for Marriage

  • Krzysztof Graczyk


The paper shows the problem of the influence of cerebro-cranial traumas on the proper functioning of the brain and what canonical effects have mental aberration caused by such traumas. This is a fairly complex problem, for the posttraumatic states variously affect the legal situation of man. Therefore one should first learn about the aetiology and medical effects of cerebral traumas. Cerebro-cranial traumas have become a more and more frequent reason for bad health, although due to the development of medicine most of them are not terminal. The people suffering from traumas live in their milieus and must take up concrete tasks. The knowledge about cerebro-cranial traumas, their kinds and mechanisms, allows us to better understand what damage they can cause in the organic structure of the brain. It shows us the image of psyche, personality and character, what changes there are and how they can affect the normal decision-making process. Each limitation on the part of the brain entails concrete canonical effects. Therefore learned literature more and more often deal with the influence of mental aberrations due to cerebral traumas on the canonical situation of a person. Some essential limitations deal with the range of his or her canonical ability to marriage.
