The Holy See at the Mission Task of the Catholic Church

  • Sylwester Kasprzak


The content of this article shows a very important obligation of taking care of the responsibility at the mission of the Catholic Church, which belongs to the Apostolic See. Our reflections are divided into three sections. The first one presents a history, goals, and the structure of the organization in the field of all the activities Ad gentes which are done by the Congregation of the Evangelization of the Nations, and also by the Congregation of the Eastern Churches. These Congregations cooperated with each other, and they are doing a serious support in this kind of work to realize the missionary activity of the Catholic Church. This paper presents what the responsibility is and who is its subject in the mission Ad gentes. Firstly the Holy See and the Pope are responsible for spreading of the ..Good News” to the world. Our elaboration deals with the role of the Pope and the Holy See regarding the mission task and ail works, which are done by different ponitifical Offices of the Roman Curia. The second section of our paper presents (lie Pontifical Councils. We show only three; I. the Pontifical Council for the interreligious dialogue; 2. the Pontifical Council for supporting Christians' Unity; 3. the Pontifical Council for Culture. The Pontifical Councils are independent organizations, and they have their own autonomy. The final section of this paper presents the Pontifical Missions Works (Aid). They are as follow: I. The Pontifical Society for the Propagation of the Christian Faith; 2. The Pontifical Missionary Society of St. Peter Apostle; 3. The Pontifical Missionary Society of the Holy Child: 4. The Pontifical Missionary Union of the Clergy. The Pontifical Missions Works are cooperating with the mission deeds, which tire leading in the different countries in the world on all the continents. They organize and offer their help by collecting money, prayers, other spiritual support and pecuniary cooperation. As our sources to write this elaboration we used especially the documents of the Second Vatican Council, and Popes' teaching: Leo XIII. Pius XI. Pius XII, Paul VI and John Paul H. We have based on (lie publications and papers of different authors. We pointed out the most important goals, duties and different tasks which are done in the evangelical mission Ad gentes by the Holy See and its offices in Vatican.
