Financial Institutions and the Protection of Individuals’ Autonomy – a Human Rights Perspective

Keywords: business; economic rights; United Nations; banks


This paper seeks to provide a systematic analysis of the changing relations between the financial institutions (mainly banks) and individuals throughout the XX and XXI centuries. The topic requires, however, to address the role of the state as well – it is the government which acts as a regulator of the financial markets and remains bound by the human rights treaties. The first part of the paper is sketching necessary historical context while the second part investigets some of the recent developments within the international human rights law. The threats to the enjoyment of human rights posed by non-state actors, including financial institutions, provoke a question over their responsibility in this matter. Endorsement given to the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (2011) indicates the direction of evolution towards strengtening the protection of the individual.


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Articles: Law