Parental Rights of Prison Service Officers – the Child’s Service Father

Keywords: father bringing up the child; paternity leave; maternity leave; parental leave; extended unpaid maternity leave; official relation protection; autonomous rights; subsidiary rights; equal rights


In this article there appeared a discussion on leave, related to the birth and upbringing of the child, which the father of the child who remains in the official relation in the Prison Service is entitled to. The father of the child is entitled to autonomous rights, that is the ones that belong to him only (paternity leave) and subsidiary ones that belong to him, but only if the mother of the child does not make use of them, and equal rights that is the ones which both he as well as the mother of the child can take (leave on conditions of maternity leave, parental leave or extended unpaid maternity leave). Various cases when parents of the child render work based on different forms of employment were analyzed. In connection with this, there appeared an analysis of various regulations pertaining to parental leaves in situations when both the mother and the father of the child have the status of the Prison Service officers, and when the father is the Prison Service officer and the mother remains in the worker’s employment or is covered by national insurance system in case of illness or maternity, as defined in the Act of October 13th, 1998 on national insurance system, based on other right than employment relation such as one person economic activity or when the mother of the child is not covered by sickness benefits at all.


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Articles: Law