The Protection of Client’s Interests, as Arising from the Right (Requirement) to Rely On Legal Professional Privilege in China, Compared to Polish Solutions – the Development of the System

Part IV. Chinese Model of Mutual Relationsbetween the Attorney and the Clientduring the Period of the People’s Republic of China

Keywords: Mao Zedong; persecution of Chinese lawyers; Cultural Revolution


During the first decades that followed the establishment of the People’s Republic of China (1949) it was very difficult to pursue a legal profession. The communist authorities were reluctant and hatred against its representatives, especially towards the attorneys. The legal practitioners were constantly suspected of disloyalty and the propensity to conspire against the authorities. Therefore, the lawyers were subjected to mass persecution, leading to the extermination of the vast majority of this professional group, until the death of the creator of new political system - Mao Zedong. Only in the 1980’s, we can observe a gradual rebuilding of the justice structures, as well as the restoration of civilized relations between the attorneys and their clients. In recent years, it has increased the likelihood of a better protection for the client’s interests before Chinese courts.


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Articles: Law