Permanent Sovereignty over Natural Wealth and Resources

  • Robert Andrzejczuk


The purpose o f the article is a comprehensive critique o f the actual process o f enlarging the catalogue international law by including the new conception o f the permanent sovereignty over natural wealth and resources. The writer starts his analysis by showing substantial and methodological mistakes that are present in a vision o f the history of „economic sovereignty ” and „economic self-determination” used by the creators o f the international documents as a basis for shaping normative postulates. In the opinion of the present author delimitation must be based on the assumption that in the international law the concept o f sovereignty is connected exclusively with the states and the concept of self-determination exclusively with the peoples. The permanent sovereignty over natural wealth and resources performance only states. The right to free disposal o f natural wealth and resources apply only to the peoples. After the analysing of the international law the author concludes: problems of economic coercion need create of a new dimension o f the law.
