Negligible of Social Harmfulness of Weapons and Ammunition. Gloss on the Judgment of the Supreme Court Ruling of 8 June 2021 V Kk 131/20

Keywords: Penal Code, possessions of weapons and ammunition, negligible social harm


The article is a gloss to the judgment of the Supreme Court of June 8, 2021, file ref. V KK 131/20. In this judgment, the Supreme Court stated that in a situation where the perpetrator’s act consisted in transporting a firearm at the employer’s command and under his supervision, by a person who did not have a firearms license, it was socially harmful to a negligible extent. The author, sharing the position of the Supreme Court regarding the negligible social harmfulness of the act, points out that in such a situation we were not dealing with the possession of a firearm that was still in the employer’s possession..


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