The Parish and other Internal Units of the Diocese, Forms of Entrusting Pastoral Care of the Parish Community According to the Instruction of the Congregation of Bishops of 20.06.2020
Taking into account the evangelization tasks of the parish in the modern world, on June 29, 2020, the Congregation of the Clergy issued the Instruction “Pastoral conversion of the parish community in the service of the evangelizing mission of the Church”. This document, which is divided into ten chapters, explains the many CIC regulations regarding parishes and pastors. The author discusses three basic, most “critical” chapters of the Instruction: VII. The parish and other internal units of the diocese. VIII. Ordinary and extraordinary forms of entrusting pastoral care to the parish community. IX. Functions and parish services. The provisions of these chapters overwhelmingly refer to certain CIC norms concerning, first and foremost, parishes and people and institutions associated with them. They show the role of the parish as a special place in the Church’s evangelizing mission, and explain many issues related to the pastoral ministry of priests (especially parish priests), deacons, consecrated persons and lay faithful.
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