National Register of Mediators – Deliberations on the Future Regulation in a Comparative Law Perspective
The article focuses on the future regulation of the National Register of Mediators (KRM), which will replace the list of permanent mediators in 2023. The Author formulates concepts of normative solutions that can be applied at the stage of legislative work related to the creation of the register. Possible legislative solutions were indicated, starting from the shape of the register, through the criteria, nature and method of verification of the application to the KRM. The text uses the dogmatic-legal and comparative-law methods. The research results indicate that the establishment of the KRM may undoubtedly be a significant step towards the professionalisation of mediators, as long as its establishment is not a purely technical operation and the regulation is comprehensive, removing the well-established negative experiences of the effects of existing regulations. The register should guarantee that the persons entered are properly prepared to conduct mediation.
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