The Criteria Stipulated in Canon 874 § 1, 1º-2º of the Code of Canon Law and the Validity of Taking on the Munus of Sponsor
Conditions stipulated by the supreme legislator in CIC c. 874 § 1, 1º-2º which must be met by a person in order to be permitted to take on the office of sponsor include: 1) being designated by the one to be baptized, by the parents or the person who takes their place, or in their absence by the pastor or minister, 2) having the aptitude to perform the tasks of sponsor; 3) having the intention of fulfilling this function; 4) having completed the sixteenth year of age, unless the diocesan bishop has established another age, or the pastor or minister has granted an exception for a just cause. Neither the doctrine nor the discipline of the Latin Church explicitly specify whether failure to comply with these requirements affects the validity of taking on the munus of sponsor, or whether they are only related to its liceity. In view of the absence of such explicit provisions, the author has endeavored to address this concern.
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