Execution of Penitentiary Measures Over the Years
Penitentiary isolation is undoubtedly an abnormal life situation for people experiencing it and causes a number of traumatizing and depressing factors. Its effects are felt not only for the convict himself, but also for his family and people in the immediate environment. The need to abandon the current lifestyle with all its consequences, as well as separation from loved ones, all of them cause that detention in the conditions of penitentiary units becomes a particularly painful ailment for convicts.
The purpose of the article is to present the scope of penitentiary measures on convicts in the last fourteen years (2005-2018) in comparison with the total number of convicts. On the following pages of the text I will discuss the individual statistical data published as a part of the annual reports of the Prison Service, which will allow for indicating both working and non-working mechanisms responsible for the reintegration of the prisoners.
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