The Institution of Double Insurance in the Liability Insurance

Keywords: insurance contract; double insurance; liability insurance; property insurance; interpretation of the law


The article presents the definition of double insurance. The insurance contract has been described in general by the author. The insurance contract, the rights and duties of the parties and all types of insurance contracts have been defined in the article. Moreover, the author depicts the institution of double insurance existing in the Civil Code and demonstrates the loophole in the insurance law concerning the double liability insurance.

Furthermore, the provisions of: art. 518, art. 376 § 1, art. 441, art. 828, art. 405 and art. 8241 of the Civil Code have been revised for the purpose of finding their analogical application for double liability insurance. It has been discovered that the art. 8241 of the Civil Code applies by analogy to the institution of double liability insurance.


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Articles: Law