Customs, Rituals and Beliefs as Researched by Jerzy Józef Kopeć CP

  • Wacław Socha
Keywords: customs; rituals; beliefs; popular piety


Both liturgy and popular piety are inseparably related with a variety of rituals, customs and beliefs. They constitute a specific manifestation of devotion and faith, often nurtured over many years. Apart from their religious character, they also make important part of national or community cultures. The gradual disappearance of customs and religious rituals evokes a necessity to research them and to preserve knowledge about them. Rev. Prof. Jerzy Kopeć CP is among the researchers who undertook studies in that domain, among his many scientific interests. His research tool was a questionnaire. He also consulted original texts related to particular types of customs and rituals. The original research methodology developed by Rev. Prof. Kopeć must also be looked at from the perspective of his being a supervisor of numerous research works of his students. The results of Rev. Prof. Kopeć’s research on customs and rituals can be inspirational to researchers wishing to continue the work he began.


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