In the Space of the Preacher’s Identity

  • Leszek Pinal The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Theology
Keywords: homily; preaching; identity; priest’s identity; preacher’s identity


The present day of the Church brings with itself questions that also concern the role and identity of the priest. In this field questions have always appeared: Who is the priest? What are his functions? How does his service differ from the mission of lay people and other servants of the Church? Entering the field of the priest’s identity allows one to understand and determine important directions and tasks that an evangelist has to face. There are vast spaces, in which the priest’s identity may be realized, so that a homily can have its expression and brilliance, and so that it could bring spiritual good to the faithful. Among the factors forming the preacher’s identity one may find: farther preparation, beauty of speech and communication with the recipient, beauty of the word, positive criticism and first of all belief in the power of the preached word.


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