Celebration of the Holy Mass Faithful to the Church’s Lex Orandi

  • Kazimierz Matwiejuk Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw
Keywords: discipline of faith; Eucharist; creativeness; liturgy; mystery; liturgical renovation; lawlessness


Liturgy is a continuation of Christ’s salutary work. The Resurrected One actualizes it in the Church and through the Church. He wants to introduce man, especially through the holy sacraments, into the mystery of His passage through death to resurrection. His salutary presence in liturgical actions happens by the power of the Holy Spirit.

The Second Vatican Council’s liturgical renovation has been directed at deepening the whole God’s People’s liturgical awareness of the fact that liturgy is a place and a way of experiencing Christ’s salutary presence. It also includes rites and liturgical books. Liturgical books contain norms that concern administering particular holy sacraments. Liturgical law guards the sacred character of liturgy. It has the obliging force. It does not allow voluntary actions. However, it gives the celebrant the possibility of creating certain elements within the Eucharist celebration. The actions should be taken in the spirit of the content of liturgical texts that are included in the missal.


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