The Sacred Song of the Advent Time

  • Tadeusz Bratkowski University of Rzeszow
Keywords: Advent; sacred song; Wojciech Kilar; Symphony No.5 Advent Symphony for mixed choir and orchestra; Antiphonae maiores


The article is an attempt to view Advent in the aspect of the song that is connected with it and that together with liturgy of this time is given the name of sacred music. The very subject does not constitute a novum, since it has already been discussed, among others by Rev. Prof. Ireneusz Pawlak. However, in the article we find a broader view of the genre of the Advent song, both as far as the verbal and musical content is concerned. This is what Advent is like in its unique atmosphere of expectation, in its exceptional perception of Mary’s role in the history of salvation, and with its great antiphons, now only sung in the Polish language — and the author makes exactly such a division when he discusses the theological contents of the Advent song.


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