The Cult of the Holy Eucharist

  • Leszek Pintal The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
Keywords: Eucharist; cult of the Holy Eucharist; eternal adoration; Holy Hour; exposition of the Holy Sacrament; forty-hour service; Eucharistic Congresses; viaticum; theophoric processions; blessing with the Holy Sacrament


The Catechism of the Catholic Church shows with deep conviction that the Eucharist is “the source and summit of the Christian life.” (CCC 1324). Hence it is necessary to constantly remind its meaning for the growth of the congregation’s faith and devoutness. The different forms of the cult of the Holy Eucharist have the task of explaining its significance and stimulate one to actively and consciously participate both in the Holy Mass that is being celebrated, and in other forms of celebration of the cult of the Eucharist. The cult of the Eucharist is supposed to lead the faithful to taking care of the whole Church.


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