„The Golden Altar”. An initial typology of prayer-books

  • Roland Prejs The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
Keywords: Roman-Catholic Church; bibliography; prayer-books; printing


The article attempts to create an initial typology of Polish prayer-books, popular especially in the 19th century, that had one common title The Golden Altar, or different variations of this title, like The Little Golden Altar, The Everyday Altar, The Polish Altar, The Roman-Catholic Altar. The research that has been conducted up till now, taking into consideration the place of publication and similarity of the contents, allows distinguishing the following groups of editions of this prayer-book: 1) the Winnicki group, 2) the missionary group, 3) the Vilnius group, 4 ) the Częstochowa group, 5) the Berdyczów group, 6) the Galician group, 7) the Poznań group, 8) the Silesian group, 9) the Witwicki group, 10) the Odyniec group, 11) other ones. The above typology is a preparation for examining the contents of particular prayer-books, and then for an attempt at answering the question about how strongly they influenced the formation of religiousness in the 19th century.


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