Spatial Differentiation of Effectiveness of Sewerage Systems

  • Artur Myna Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin
Keywords: sewerage system; effectiveness; efficiency; discharged wastewater


The main objective of the work is to identify conditions of spatial differentiation of effectiveness of sewerage systems. The effectiveness was defined as economic action, or more precisely efficiency of action. Its measure is the relation of outcomes expressed as the amount of sewage discharged into the sewage network and the amount of resources expended to the creation of this type of service, reflected as the length of the sewerage system. Efficiency of sewerage is defined as the amount of wastewater discharged into it per 1 km of the network. The results of the work provide confirmation of the formulated hypothesis that the efficiency of the sewerage networks, connected with the level of urbanization, decreased in all voivodeships. Together with its expansion on rural areas and suburbanisation areas, it was discharged getting smaller amount of wastewater from households per 1 km of sewerage system.


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