The Transformation of a Limited Liability Company into a Limited Partnership as an Effective Instrument for Tax Optimization

  • Renata Burchart University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn
Keywords: errors and problems during the transformation of limited liability company into a limited partnership; the benefits of transformation; transformation costs; the effects of accounting and tax transformation; the transformation procedure


The publication presents the process of transformation of a limited liability company into a company partnership, including: the most common problems in the transformation, the most frequent errors, the advantages of the transformation, the costs incurred in the transformation and the impact of transformation on the tax liabilities of taxpayers who choose to or only intend to decide on the procedure for transformation his company into one of the most optimal forms of ownership, which is a limited partnership on the Polish market. Information presented, often derived from tax consultants, experts, economists and lawyers confirm that such transformation is quite a popular tool for optimizing the tax obligations of partners, being individuals, who when paying high dividends from the profit they are exposed to double taxation of their income (once the company's profit, and the second time their dividends from the profit).


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