Financing Mergers and Acquisitions by Private Equity in Poland

  • Krzysztof Melnarowicz The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Social Science
Keywords: private equity; mergers and acquisitions


In Poland from early 90’s mergers and acquisitions market developed very dynamic and it proved next years that it can be one of the best developing market taking into account internal rate of return. It is worth mentioning, that leading merger and acquisition markets are in US and UK but also polish market is very profitable for that kind of business. 

Poland belongs to one of the largest mergers and acquisitions markets in Central and Eastern Europe. Only in 2014 the value of private equity investments was 19% of the total investments in CEE (in 2013 it was over 48%) as well as almost 1% of the total investments in the whole Europe (in 2013 it was slightly above 1%). Unlike in 2013, the most popular sectors for investors were retail (27%) and telecommunication (25%). Financing mergers and acquisitions with the participation of private equity became more popular in Poland and worth taking into consideration by polish companies. However the subject of this kind of investments demands some deeper research and analysis.


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