Changes in Capital Structure and Turnover of the Federal Republic of Germany after World War II caused by Brand Revaluation of West German Mark (until 1985)

  • Zbigniew Klimiuk Institute of Labour and Social Studies in Warsaw
Keywords: Germany; West German mark (DM); international monetary system; revaluation; devaluation; foreign exchange reserves; balance of payments; current account deficit; international liquidity


Mark has become after World War II one of the leading world currencies of the capitalist world and the most important European currency. The D-Marks position reflected the place of the West Germany’s economy in the world economy. More than 5-fold increase of the GDP since 1950., productive potential and share in international turnover assured the country the place among the world’s three major economic powers.

The growing importance of the German economy was accompanied by the growing importance of the West German currency. After the 1971-73 currency crisis the D-mark turned out extremely strengthened vis-à-vis all other currencies. It became “refuge currency”, sought after and attractive for capital investments both in the period of the dollar’s crisis and during the every instance of turbulence on currency markets. The share of the D-mark in the world’s foreign exchange reserves has been systematically growing and at the end of the analyzed period this currency became one of the world’s free favorite reserve currencies. Short-lived disturbance in the D-mark appreciation vis-à-vis the U.S. dollar in the first half of 1980s, was compensated by its appreciation vis-à-vis other currencies.


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