Regulation of Education of Catholic Religion in Concordat Agreements with Post-Communist Countries

  • Damián Němec Palacký University in Olomouc
Keywords: State; law; Catholic Church; Canon law; concordats; religious education; financing.


The contribution deals the regulation of education of catholic religion in the public schools, contained in concordat agreements with post-communist countries since 1990. It presents followed issues: the guarantee of religious education, the method of defining the contents and textbooks of that education, the qualifications required of the teachers of religion and the financing of religious education.


B. Basdevant-Gaudemet, State and Church in France, in G. Robbers (ed.), State and Church in the European Union,Nomos, 2nd edition, Baden-Baden 2005, pp. 157–186

J. Krukowski, Konkordaty współczesne. Doktryna, teksty (1964–1994)[Contemporary Concordats. Doctrine, Texts (1964–1994)],Civitas christiana, Warszawa 1995
