Retroactive Validation of Marriage according to 1983 Code of Canon Law (can. 1161-1165)

  • Paweł Stasiuk Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw
Keywords: marriage; validation of marriage; sanatio in radice


In the presented study, the author concentrated his attention on the functioning of the institution of a retroactive validation under the Code of 1983. From the conducted analyses it results that retroactive validation in an extraordinary manner of marriage validation, that was contracted in an invalid manner as a result of the existence of a breaching impediment or the lack of a canon form. That does not require the renewed matrimonial consent as a principal condition of the aplication of this institution is the existence of a valid matrimonial consent.

Firstly, the competence in this subject is within the scope of activity of the Apostolic See. There they  perform the convalidation in the case of contracting a relationship burdened with an impediment, from which it can only dispense. Also in case of the occurrence of an impediment stemming from the Divine Law that is already stopped. In the other cases the competence belongs to the diocesan bishop.


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