The Catholic Church’s Concern for Refugees in the Context of the War in Ukraine
The issue of refugees is as topical today as ever. This is due to the growing number of people migrating forcibly. This issue represents a significant task and challenge for states, societies and the Catholic Church. It is through its aid activities that the Church carries out its salvific mission. By being a moral beacon for the faithful, it not only shows them how to provide assistance, but also gives many believers the impetus to commit themselves to helping others. The Russian aggression in Ukraine initiated on 24 February 2022 has not only changed the geopolitical situation in Europe, it has also become a kind of test of humanity for those in a position to help others. The article presents in a synthetic way the Church’s approach to the issues of migration and refugees. In addition, the paper contains statistical data on contemporary migration and refugee trends. The article also presents the forms of assistance that the Catholic Church in Poland provides to refugees.
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