Ordinary Informative Process on John Nepomucene Neumann in the Diocese of Budweis in 1886-1888 and Examination of His Written Estate in 1891
The process of the canonization and beatification of John Nepomucene Neumann began in 1886 in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia and the Diocese of Budweis. His canonization was completed in 1977. The study presents the as yet uncharted topic of the informative process in the Diocese of Budweis in 1886-1888, including a follow-up examination of John Nepomucene Neumann’s written estate in 1891 and other activities and events related to the Neumann’s process of beatification and canonization up to the beginning of the so-called Apostolic process in December 1896. This study seeks to describe in more detail the ecclesiastical legal process of the whole case; in addition to the context, it seeks to show in a broader horizon the so-called second life of John Nepomucene Neumann in the Diocese of Budweis, which was associated with the spread of his spiritual legacy.
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