The nullitatis matrimonii Process as a Synodal Route. Pope Francis to the Roman Rota on January 27, 2022

Keywords: Francis, Roman Rota, marriage, nullitatis matrimonii process


On the occasion of the inauguration of the new judicial year in the Roman Rota, on January 27, 2022, Pope Francis received in the Clementine Hall the prelates-auditors of the above-mentioned Apostolic Tribunal, as well as his lawyers and other employees and associates. In his speech, he emphasized that the process of nullitatis matrimonii has the features of synodality, as it is the common path of all its participants leading to learning the truth about a particular marriage. It makes it clear to all judges, but also to all church judges, that administering justice in this area requires a synodal spirit: the ability to listen, engage in dialogue and decide. This reveals Francis’ pastoral sensitivity towards those spouses who have failed in their life together and who, as he said, should be offered “the balm of mercy.”


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