Exorcist and His Service in the Code and in the Non-Code Law

  • Rafał Dappa University of Silesia in Katowice
Keywords: exorcism; exorcist; pentecostalization of Christian


In regard to a growth of a phenomenon of the pentecostalization of Christian religion and an increase of  interest connected with rites of exorcism, it is worth reminding the legal norms concerning a ministry of an exorcist at the Church. Following article constitutes an attempt to systematize those norms as well as to set general criteria according to the power of exercise the rite of exorcism. For this purpose, the following Church documents: the 1983 Code of Canon Law, Roman Ritual De exorcismis et supplicationibus quibusdam, Indications of Polish Bishop’s Conference for priests who fulfill the ministry of exorcist, the Letter of Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith Inde ab aliquot annis and the instruction of that Congregation Ardens felicitatis, have been subjected to detailed analysis.


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