Journal for Perspectives of Economic Political and Social Integration <p>JOURNAL FOR PERSPECTIVES OF ECONOMIC, POLITICAL AND SOCIAL INTEGRATION. JOURNAL FOR MENTAL CHANGES is an international and multidisciplinary forum for presenting relevant ideas concerning changes in economic, political, social, ecological and religious issues. The language is English. The journal publishes mainly theoretical and empirical articles but also essays, opinions and proposals.</p> Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL & Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II en-US Journal for Perspectives of Economic Political and Social Integration 1733-3911 Metadata of Patent Information in the Value Assessment of New Technology Solutions <p>This study aims to discuss the possibility of an aggregated value assessment of a new technology solution on various levels: an entity (organization), specific technology field, regional economy, national economy, the economy of an integration group, and to test that assessment method using a transnational approach. In addition to testing the possibility and purposefulness of an aggregated assessment of new technology solutions in a group of countries, the study is aimed to test the hypothesis on a large technology quality gap between the German economy and those of other member states of the European Union.</p> <p>To achieve the objective of this study and verify the proposed hypothesis, the nature of invention and potential of patent information in the testing of technology value are discussed, and a taxonomic indicator is devised, suitable for achieving the objective and verifying the hypothesis.</p> <p>The presented results of an original study show a dramatic difference in the value of new technical solutions between Germany and EU13, but also between Germany and EU14. New technical solutions originating from the EU13 region are barely observable to other global R&amp;D centres.</p> <p>The scope of the research process presented in this article indirectly addresses two issues: using patent information to describe the patterns of technological accumulation and selecting and positioning smart specialization.</p> Monika Bolińska Paweł Dykas Rafał Wisła Copyright (c) 2023 Journal for Perspectives of Economic Political and Social Integration 2023-12-18 2023-12-18 29 1 7 29 10.18290/pepsi-2023-0001 Altruism/Non-Altruism Questionnaire – Short Version: The Revision of the Method Based on Bifactor Analysis <p>The Altruism/Non-altruism (A–N) Questionnaire is a tool for measuring altruism, understood as the readiness to act selflessly for the benefit of other people without expecting an external reward. The article presents a review of past research that provides empirical evidence for the tool’s validity and the results of two studies aimed at abridging the questionnaire. Study 1 (<em>N</em>&nbsp;=&nbsp;641) included the shortening of the instrument and a preliminary assessment of the psychometric properties of the abbreviated version. In Study 2 (<em>N</em>&nbsp;=&nbsp;388), the questionnaire was cross-validated, and its reliability and validity were assessed. The short version of the A–N Questionnaire proved to be a satisfactorily reliable and valid instrument for measuring altruism.</p> Jacek Śliwak Rafał Bartczuk Copyright (c) 2023 Journal for Perspectives of Economic Political and Social Integration 2023-12-18 2023-12-18 29 1 31 59 10.18290/pepsi-2023-0002 Interrelations Between Politics and Education: Teaching English in Hungarian Kindergartens Since 1989 <p>The study explores changes in the Hungarian education system after the political change that occured in 1989-90. The paper focuses on changes in kindergarten language teaching practices and how the significance of learning another language at an early age arose. As part of the review of the literature on the topic, we draw attention to the European trends and principles in terms of early language teaching as well as foreign language teaching both before and after 1989 in Hungary. Another important date in the process is 2004, when Hungary joined the EU, which deeply changed the nation’s attitude to learning foreign languages. It influenced policy makers, teacher preparation, (early) language expectations and future fundings as well. We can see in the case of Hungary that political changes in society may dictate or indicate a shift in societal needs and expectations for how children should be educated.</p> Magdolna Nemes Copyright (c) 2023 Journal for Perspectives of Economic Political and Social Integration 2023-12-18 2023-12-18 29 1 61 86 10.18290/pepsi-2023-0003 Relationship Between Materialism and Inconspicuous Consumption: The Moderating Effect of Values <p>The last few decades have abounded in analyses devoted to materialism, its causes, consequences, and manifestations. Despite much evidence suggesting that materialism manifests itself as a propensity for conspicuous consumption, contemporary market trends show that it is necessary to re-examine the forms of consumption in which materialistic goals and values may transpire. In the present study, we investigated the relationship between materialism and inconspicuous consumption (IC), taking into account the moderating role of values. The study demonstrated that values played a moderating function in the relationship between materialism and IC: materialism turned out to be a positive predictor of IC among the participants who displayed a greater preference for security, conformity and tradition values. We also showed that the effect of materialism on IC was negative for individuals with a low preference for conservation values, but positive for those showing a high preference for this value category.</p> Martyna Płudowska Andrzej E. Sękowski Barbara Cichy-Jasiocha Copyright (c) 2023 Journal for Perspectives of Economic Political and Social Integration 2023-12-18 2023-12-18 29 1 87 109 10.18290/pepsi-2023-0004 Unemployment and Economic Growth: A Cross-Sectionally Autoregressive Distributed Lag (SC-ARDL) and Dynamic Common Correlated Effects (DCCE Panel) for North African Countries <p>This paper is aimed at examining the relevance of the dynamics relationship between unemployment and economic growth in North African countries from 2006 to 2022. The study adopted Panel ARDL model and Dumitrescu-Hurlin panel Granger causality analysis that allows capturing slope heterogeneity among each member. The results obtained from the cointegration technique of (Pesaran &amp; Shin, 1999) confirm that a long-term relationship exists between growth and unemployment rate. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between economic growth and unemployment in North African countries for the period of 2006–2022 within panel data framework by applying cs-ARDL and common correlated effects in a&nbsp;<em>dynamic</em>&nbsp;panel (DCCE).</p> <p>In this paper this relationship has been examined in the context of Okun’s Law. Panel Unit Root with 2nd generation and Westerlund cointegration test were applied, respectively. The results show that the economic growth and unemployment series are stationary at first difference, unemployment was affected positively by economic growth, in other words 1% rise in GDP will decrease the unemployment rate by 0.05% because of Okun’s coefficient for North African countries and there is a co-integration between these important macroeconomic variables.</p> Mustapha Djaballah Copyright (c) 2023 Journal for Perspectives of Economic Political and Social Integration 2023-12-18 2023-12-18 29 1 111 129 10.18290/pepsi-2023-0005 Faith as a Factor in the Self-Acceptance Process in the Narratives of People With Disabilities. A Legal and Social Study <p>The discourse on the experience of faith and the participation of people with disabilities in religious practices and catechesis has undergone dynamic changes. These changes are intertwined with the overall transformations associated with promoting normalization and integration trends in relation to many areas of the functioning of people with disabilities. In the context of these transformations, the issue of participation of people with disabilities in a wider range of existential experiences, including participation in religious communities and rituals, participation in catechesis and the availability of the sacraments, has also become present. Self-acceptance, self-esteem, meaning of life, a sense of self-dignity and a sense of agency are the result of many factors, including faith and religious practices. The availability and possibility of practising religion are important not only in the existential and spiritual dimensions, but also in the therapeutic and health dimension.</p> <p>The study examines the significance of faith and participation in the Holy Sacraments in the process of accepting one’s disability. The aim of the article is to answer the question: Does faith and participation in the Holy Sacraments affect the acceptance of one’s disability?</p> Krzysztof Mikołajczuk Thierry Le Goaziou Katarzyna Zielińska-Król Copyright (c) 2023 Journal for Perspectives of Economic Political and Social Integration 2023-12-18 2023-12-18 29 1 131 170 10.18290/pepsi-2023-0006