From Conflict to Mutual Recognition

  • María Inés Nin Márquez Universidad Abierta Interamericana, Buenos Aires
Keywords: conflict; recognition; personal identity; mutual recognition



This document exposes the conflict from the Post-Rational cognitive perspective, understanding the conflict as a relational phenomenon, which emerges when the need of recognition is exposed to its contrary: the non-recognition. “To know oneself” means in fact, to recognize oneself through the mediation of the other (Castiglioni 1998). An individual develops himself by recognizing the “otherness” that constitutes him. The self (idem/identity) that goes out toward the other and then returns as ipse/selfhood, having acquired self-awareness through the other (Ricoeur 1993). For this reason, recognition is a fundamental element in the building of human subjectivity (Honneth 1997).

Identity is a continuous process that lasts a lifetime. It contains a central nucleus that ensures continuity by which a person is able to recognize him/ herself. In this way individuals learn to defi ne who they are through interactions with others, especially those whom are more signifi cant. Being recognized by others and by the environment offer the individual a sense of unity and coherence about himself.

Conflict arises when the other or the environment becomes a threat to the survival of the subjectivity; when the absence or lack of recognition leads to harm in a person (Tello 2011). Relational experiences are able to engender and ensure recognition, while holding onto an indispensable acceptance of individual differences. They thus allow each one to bring forth their own unique identity.


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