Overcoming Post-War Traumas and Conflicts through Dialogue in Distributed Cognition

  • Augustyn Bańka SWPS Uniwersytet Humanistycznospołeczny, Wydział Zamiejscowy w Katowicach
Keywords: trauma; therapy culture; post-traumatic stress; distributed cognition; dialogue


DOI: https://doi.org/10.1515/pepsi-2017-0001

The following paper presents a proposal of a theoretical foundation for an application of distributed cognition in overcoming post-war traumas and related social conflicts. The distributed cognition theory states that the cognitive system is a structure distributed between internal-mental and external-objective social world representations across time and space. The basic issue of dialogue in distributed cognition is that distribution as information dissemination in each cognitive component functions in a systemic integrity. The presented perspective of overcoming traumas and war conflicts through dialogue refers to the following aspects of human activity: 1 – the perception of an environment as a construct of own life path and self-image; 2 – active creation of a desired world, life space and desired self; 3 – agentic cognitive mapping of an environment as a real, virtual and potential life space; 4 – a way of elastic control over an environment through discovering objectively present environmental affordances; 5 – achieving agency through discovering possibilities for action rather than barriers; 6 – making the cognitive system more flexible through a change in style of thinking to a constant state of openness to new meanings and values.


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