Relationship of Personality Traits and Hope With Job Satisfaction in the Life of Polish Artists and Pedagogues
The purpose of this paper was to show the relationship between personality traits and hope, as well as the job satisfaction in the lives of artists and pedagogues (teachers). The research was conducted among artists and pedagogues living and working in Poland. Research tools such as: Job Satisfaction (SSP) by Zalewska, Personality Inventory (NEO-FFI) by Costa and McCrae, and the Hope Scale (HS) by Snyder were used. The obtained results show that extraversion correlates significantly and positively with job satisfaction, while neuroticism – negatively – in the group of pedagogues. Agency correlates significantly and positively with job satisfaction in the group artists and pedagogues. Result of multiple regression analysis reveals that agency and pathways have a statistically significant and positive relationship with job satisfaction in the group of artists and pedagogues. Extraversion and neuroticism have a statistically significant relationship with job satisfaction in the group of pedagogues. Extraversion has a positive relationship with job satisfaction and neuroticism negative. In addition, extraversion and neuroticism have a significant impact on job satisfaction in the group of pedagogues, where the function of the mediator is fulfilled by hope.
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